Zenity Defined

Halt. Be still.

Where is your mind? That may seem a silly question at first, unless you realize your mind had wondered off, and only returned from some far away place when you read that question. Now ask yourself this: where was it? What thought was it wrestling with just before you read that question? More importantly, is it still there?

The mind is without a doubt the most used (and abused?) part of your being. Even when you sleep, it is still active. This is good, because of all the things the mind controls about our daily existence. However, like every part of our physical self, our mental self can become fatigued, overworked, distressed, and even exhausted. Worry, fear, anxiety, stress, these are just a few of the everyday occurrences that strive for control of your mind, and if and when they do get it, it can be a bad day, indeed.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. – Krishnamurti

Zenity is what I call the art of keeping your own presence (sanity) and peace (serenity) of mind. It is about holding your mind in your own body at all times, not allowing it to wander off or be stolen away without your consent. It is a state of being that I developed through my now 30 years as a martial artist, with no small amount of help from my 14-year tour of duty as a U.S. soldier. It is my word for the result of a combination of all that martial training, mixed with Zen and Taoist philosophy, and a healthy dose of positive spiritual and religious beliefs.

Zenity is primarily based upon four disciplines:

1. mushin (no mind)

2. shoshin (beginner's mind)

3. zanshin (aware mind)

4. heijoshin (peace of mind)

This forms the supporting base from which zenity is practiced and achieved. Two more concepts are also involved; kensho (true self), and for a splash of the Occidental flair, flow. These all may or may not be very alien concepts to you. Worry not, I believe I can explain them in ways that will be very understandable.
Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate. - Zhuangzi

What I aim to share here are observations, methods, and philosophies about zenity, and how you may achieve and retain it. The world can be, and very often is, a radical and unpredictable place. Your mind is confronted so much on a daily, even hourly, basis. Zenity is that calm in the storm, a place you can go in an instant; a place you can be every instant of the day.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2 NIV)

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